Journal Press India®


GBS Impact, the multi disciplinary journal is blind peer reviewed refereed bi-yearly journal. The GBS Impact emphasizes on the publication of original research that contributes to new knowledge and understanding in fields of Management and other allied multiple disciplines. This journal primarily considers descriptive research & cases that enhance understanding and provides a platform to research scholars, academicians and corporate executives to disseminate their innovative, field based research, and practical experiences through the publication for the benefit of the society at large and the world of business.

The research article ‘A study on financial services in india’ will give insight on financial services which enable the user to obtain any asset on credit, according to his convenience and at a reasonable interest rate. It is the presence of financial services that enables a country to improve its economic condition whereby there is more production in all the sectors leading to economic growth.

‘An Insight into Future of Online Internet Marketing: Biometrics a solution to behavioural Marketing’- paper to review the current approaches to Internet behavioural marketing and also its shortcomings as well as Biometrics and its potential for more effective and efficient Internet Marketing Domain.

The objectives of author on article ‘Green banking a tool of digital banking and financial services practices in india’  is toTo know the green banking practices, To study the green banking services provided by banks and customer satisfaction and To study the measures undertaken by banks to overcome the problems in green banking, but author concludes - most of the customers are confused about the concept of green banking even though they are enjoying the facilities.

Under the caption ‘Digitization in INDIA: Challenges and Opportunities’- helps to understand the global/domestic challenges and also highlights the opportunities that would pave the way for achieving the program’s aim of making India the preferred choice for digital activities by both global and domestic investors and also how far the “Digital India” model can prove to be an attraction for the investors to invest in the sectors which are yet to achieve their full potential in India.

The title ‘A study on possible initiatives, significant challenges, viable opportunities and major avenues for Green Banking in Indian context’ tries to make an attempt on importance of green banking, sites international experiences, opportunities, challenges and benefits of green banking in India and also focuses on the current practices and the gaps in the same in relation to green banking practice

In addition we have an extensive article on ‘Looking through the high school students – impact of tuition classes on the academic performance?’, which explains the cause of increasing trend in private tuitions and relation with classroom teaching, heavy academic stress, peer influence, parents and siblings encouragement, insufficient school hours to resolve doubts and why high school students attend private tuition? The findings from the research may help the schools to look into the needs of students.

Further ‘A Conceptual Study on Agricultural Marketing : A Catalyst for Rural Marketing in India’ - elucidate the prominence of agricultural marketing for the progress of the rural India and also the various problems of agricultural marketing as well as inspects the ways to advance the marketing milieu within rural areas with keywords: Rural Market, Agricultural Marketing, Challenges & Opportunities, Government initiatives.

Trust that the collection of articles in this issue makes it interesting.

Dr.Bhargav Revankar
Associate Professor

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